Why you don't Get a Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo at a Tattoo Shop
Why you don’t get Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo from a Tattoo Artist
The Traditional Thai Tattoo (Sak Yant) is a magical, Spiritual and Traditional talisman applied by a holy man, while chanting prayers using a Steal Needle Blessed at Completion. A bamboo Tattoo is the term used for artistic replica done by tattoo artists usually with incorrect magical text, and devoid of any Spiritual significance
The correct term is a 'Sak Yant Tattoo' but it is also incorrectly promoted by Tattoo Studios as 'Bamboo Tattoo' 'Bamboo Needle Tattoo' or 'Traditional Thai Tattoo' sometimes 'Monk Tattoo'. The Sak Yant Tattoo offers Spiritual and Magical protection to the wearer and serves as a Talisman for changing qualities of a persons life. A Bamboo Tattoo from a Tattoo Shop provide none of these things.
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ToggleWhy don’t you use a Tattoo Artist or Parlor for a Traditional Thai Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo?

Many people coming to Thailand want to find the best place to get a Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo can often get confused with terms such as Traditional Thai Tattoo, Bamboo Tattoo, Hand Poke Method or Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo thinking the terms mean the same thing. They Do Not!
Sak Yant Tattoos are done with a Magical Tool (called a Kem), by a qualified and trained Spiritual Shaman or Buddhist Monk using the poke method (tapping the ink into the skin). Since the beginning of the Tattooing Tradition in Thailand, this was the way Tattoos were applied and is referred to as the Traditional Thai Tattoo.
For those people wanting a Sak Yant tattoo, but not knowing too much about them, it is easy to see the designs and photos in a Tattoo Studio window and see the words “Bamboo Tattoo”, “Hand Poked”, “Traditional Thai Tattoo” or even “Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo” and think that this is a place to get the Sak Yant Tattoo.
It Isn’t!
Tattoo Shop Traditional Thai Bamboo Tattoo’s started around 2003 and are almost exclusively gotten by Tourists
While many Bamboo Tattoo Shops in Thailand promote their Bamboo Tattoo as a Traditional Thai Tattoo using the Hand Poked method. The reality is that the true Traditional Thai Tattoo (Sak Yant’s) have never been done using Bamboo. This ‘Bamboo Tattoo’ trend started in 2003 when Angelina Jolie got her Real Sak Yant and western media reports called it a ‘Bamboo Tattoo’. As Tourists asking Tattoo Shops for a Bamboo Tattoo like Angelina – the Tattoo Artists attached a machine needle to a chopstick and created Imitation replicas to the unsuspecting tourist. Thai people will never get a Sak Yant from a Tattoo Shop and know that this is a tourist thing.
Why You Don’t Get a Sak Yant “Bamboo Tattoo” from a Tattoo Studio

Tattoo Studios in Thailand offer some remarkable skill and talent using the Bamboo Poke method of creating Tattoos, and do it for almost every design of Tattoo you could want. But a Real Sak Yant is more than just the design – it is a Spiritual Experience of a sacred pattern with a Magic Blessing to empower it. The Sak Yant is a process including making an offering, getting the tattoo and having a Blessing.
Because the Sak Yant is a treasured part of Thai Culture, it is considered disrespectful to get a Sak Yant Tattoo from a Tattoo Parlor when the Tattooist is not trained in the magical traditions or follows the ritual of the Sak Yant. It is not disrespectful to get a Sak Yant from a real Sak Yant Master, which is where westerners can get their Thai Tattoos even if they are not Buddhist.
It was originally thought by the Sak Yant Masters – that by creating false designs (gibberish text and copyright notices) it would deter those unable to read the magical text from attempting to replicate them. For them it was obvious that applying incorrect magic spells was such a dangerous thing to attempt – no one would be foolish enough to try. They under-estimated the desire among Tattoo Studios and Artists to make money from tourists.
How Tattoo Shops try to fool you into getting a fake Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo
Very rarely can an Artist at a Tattoo Shop in Thailand are able to do real and authentic Sak Yant Tattoos. However the Sak Yant designs are one of the most often requested bamboo tattoo designs by tourists. As a work-a-round the Tattoo Parlors in Thailand rely on the lack of knowledge by the tourists and making an association in a fictional relationship between the true Sak Yant and the service they offer.
By calling their replicas a Traditional Thai Bamboo Tattoo or hand poke they attempt to create an association of the real Sak Yant Tradition. While real Sak Yant Masters will use a steel needle, using the ‘Poke Method’, they have never used or refer to Bamboo as a way of applying the Tattoo. A needle made from Bamboo is to lite to pierce the skin and not only painful but unhygienic, – despite the term there is no such thing in the real world .
Tattoo Artist Odd Justifications for making fake Sak Yant designs
Recently, many Tattoo artists have taken to social media attempting to explain why they actually have no moral or ethical concerns about making Imitation or Fake Sak Yant’s for Tourists. Two Tattoo Shops have even sued the webmaster for the video below, stating it is defamation to let tourists know the fake Sak Yants are fake. Others are using such Gems as….
I get the needles and ink blessed by Monks so that makes it magical (It Doesn’t)
It is the attempts by the customer to live a good life and that belief they have provide power for the fake tattoo and that makes it Spiritual. (While this is a good point and does relate to many spiritual designs, the bottom-line is the purpose of a magical and spiritual tattoo is to have a holy man make it. Not so much to rely on your own beliefs having the power to make something meaningless not meaningless)
Because I (the Tattooist) make a replica of something I respect, it is an honor to have the fake Sak Yant because I appreciate and respect the real thing. (Not sure, this is just odd logic, or self delusion)
It is disrespectful for Real and Authentic Providers of Sak Yant’s to advertise, use posters or tell people that my tattoos are not real Sak Yant’s – so I can make them because I feel disrespected (Again not sure how anyone can make 1+5=2 But this is a real claim being made and a complaint to the Police for defamation by one Tattoo Artist)
My Replica Sak Yant designs look better, with cleaner lines and I don’t try to scam people by taking them to Temples and use Monks. (Actual claim made by a popular Bangkok Tattoo Shop – real Sak Yant’s by Monks are somehow a scam)

Important Note:
Some Tattoo Shops and Tattoo Artists will be upfront and honest and tell you that their tattoo is an “Artistic replica” that has no meaning it is just a nice tattoo. And there is nothing wrong with this if you wanting to get a meaningless replica representation of Thai culture.
Although many Tattoo Shops will not tell you this, or only tell you this if you ask, and use the following methods to try and attempt to lure in naive tourists.
Why Sak Yant Tattoo’s Should be done by Real Sak Yant Masters
Sak Yant Tattoos are a Sacred Spiritual Traditional Tattoo that include the design, the magical application and a final blessing. The magic comes from the personal power of the Sak Yant Master which takes years of spiritual training. This spiritual power is written in ancient magical texts which are purposely created wrong in Sak Yant Designs. Without any training in Sak Yant, the Tattoo artist can not change the magical text or bless their ‘bamboo tattoo art’. It is disrespectful to the Thai culture to provide or wear fake Sak Yants which hold such reverence to the Thai People.

Authenticity of Thai Culture
1) Why it is Disrespectful to get a Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo from an Artist at a Studio
Thailand has some very strict rules enforced by laws and fines when visitors (and Thais) visit sacred Buddhist sites or engage in Buddhist activities. Thai people are particular proud of their traditions as it makes up an integral part of their national identity.
Tattoo Artists who steal the valor of these scared traditions by providing fake representations to tourists are working at an ethical place outside of mainstream Thai Culture. Some Tattoo Shops will even tell you that their artists have no ethical problems making a Bamboo style Thai Tattoo in a Sak Yant design, and suggest the Thai people will admire you for representing their culture. This is simply not true.
Spirituality of the Sak Yant Tattoo
2) The Spiritual Rituals of the Sak Yant Process
It stands to reason that if you are wanting a Magical and Spiritual Traditional Thai Tattoo – the person giving the tattoo should be spiritual qualified to administer it correctly. The Sak Yant Ajarn is similar to a Shaman of many cultures; in that they provide a range of Spiritual services – the Sak Yant just being one aspect of their magical skills.
In fact the power of the magic of the Sak Yant comes from the personal power of the Sak Yant Master and the ritual involved in the Sak Yant Process. It remains charged by following the Sak Yant Rules of Conduct, after receiving one. Without the training, knowledge and spiritual purity to be able to charge the Sak Yant, it is not a Sak Yant.
Tattoo artist tend to not follow this strict and disciplined lifestyle. While they are skilled artists – they have zero concern about the spiritual aspect of the Sak Yant process and rituals. This should be obvious when as a tourist you want a sacred Thai Tattoo, but while you are getting it, you share the space with others chatting on their phones. The Sak Yant experience is a Spiritual one, that you should be able to have on your own – not crowded by regular tattoo seekers.

Traditional Thai Sak Yant Tattoo’s are More than Just The Design
3) The Sak Yant is more than just the Design

When getting the Sak Yant Tattoo, the meaning associated with the Tattoo comes in 3 parts; It is sometimes possible (It depends on the design itself) to have an Sak Yant design of what you want, but change the text and prayers and final blessing for a specific and special meaning. The 3 elements are
a) The Design
This is the picture or design of the Sak Yant. While all Sak Yants come with their own meaning implicit to the design, if you like a certain design, it might be able to be used but changed to include the Kata and Blessing elements into the final meaning
b) The Kata
This includes the magic spells within the mind of the Sak Yant master as they create the Sak Yant. The master is reciting special prayers as they apply the design so that it becomes filled with the desired intention of the final design. The Kata also includes the text written around the Sak Yant. This text is usually presented incorrectly in drawn images you find online and are corrected by the Master. This is design to keep the knowledge so that only those qualified to give Sak Yants can give them.
c) The Blessing Ritual
The final blessing given at the end of the Sak Yant Process. This is when the Sak Yant Master charges the Sak Yant (making it special and magical) with Prayers and Blessings. The Blessing of the Sak Yant is so important to a genuine tattoo that Thai people will return to their Masters once a year for a re-blessing.

The Bottom Line is a Tattoo Artist is just going to copy the meaningless image they downloaded from the internet. There will be no ritual, offering, explanation of the meaning, changing of the meaningless text or attempt at a blessing.

Authenticity of Real Sak Yant Tattoo Design
4) The Sak Yant Tattoo design is purposely drawn incorrect
Almost every image on the Sak Yant that you will find online or in a design book catalogue are drawn incorrectly, some even containing copyright notes of the Sak Yant Master and incorrect Spells. This was originally done by Sak Yant Masters to protect their designs from being used by those who do not understand the meaning. The purpose was intended to prevent those not qualified to create a Sak Yant from doing so.
This approach has not been a great success. A tattoo Artist will not know how to correct the design. Nor will they care much, as they are already justified to themselves that they are providing designs that sacred, so what does it matter if those designs are wrong?
And to be fair many tattoo business and tattoo artists will be completely honest about this. Many tattoo shops will tell you, (if you ask) that what they offer is a replica that is an ‘artistic’ copy of a real Sak Yant, done in the old hand poked method.
If you just want the tattoo this is usually no problem. However if you are wanting to get it blessed later – it can not be done. You can not recharge and re-blessed something that holds only a decorative function. Some Masters and Monks will even refuse to apply a real Sak Yant to the skin of someone who already has a fake one.
Real Sak Yants are Cheaper than Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo Fakes
5) Real Sak Yants are often cheaper than a Tattoo Studio copy
This really depends on the location and fame of the Sak Yant Master. Generally however the price of a real Sak Yant from a Sak Yant Master is cheaper than a tattoo artist will ask. The Sak Yant process also involves the offering, respect, chanting of magical spells during the application and final blessing. These steps are not done by tattoo studios.
Angelina Jolie’s Sak Yant Master now commands a higher fee than any tattoo studio will ask. Most other Sak Yant Masters will charge a price less or similar to the local tattoo parlor. In the North of Thailand in Chiang Mai you can obtain the Sak Yant for almost half the price of the local tattoo artists will request.

Tattoo Artists Lack Knowledge of the Sak Yant Design
6) You get to know what your Sak Yant means from a real Sak Yant Master
Look at any Sak Yant forum or Facebook page and you will see a great majority of the posts are people asking what their Sak Yant means. This can happen for many reasons including the person going to a Sak Yant Master who does not speak English without taking a translator. But more often than not it is because they got the tattoo from a tattoo shop who can not explain the meaning of the Sak Yant design.
When you get a Sak Yant from a Sak Yant Master (so long as you can communicate with them) they will ask you why you want a Sak Yant, discuss the various design options and any modifications they will make. When you use a guide, translator or Sak Yant Service they will usually ensure that you understand the procedure and the meaning of your Sak Yant Tattoo.
Many Tattoo Artists making their take on a traditional Thai bamboo tattoo, will have only the one sentence meaning of the design. Although the design itself has no meaning, this comes from the Text within the design. Since a Tattoo Artist is copying meaningless text – they can not really say what their replica represents or means.
Quick Answers to the Common Sak Yant Questions
1) Is it Disrespectful to get a Sak Yant Tattoo?
It is not disrespectful to get a Sak Yant Tattoo that is real and Authentic from a Sak Yant Master. The Sak Yant Tattoo is a part of the long traditional Thai culture that involves 3 aspects,
1) The Design
2) The Magic Script and
3) The Final Blessing; which are administers by a suitably trained Monk or Sak Yant Ajarn.
There is no disrespect getting a Sak Yant from these Sak Yant Masters, who have spent years learning the magical arts and live a life by over 200 spiritual rules to qualify to give Sak Yants. It is however disrespectful to ignore these qualities that make a Traditional Thai Tattoo real, and get a replica art design only from a tattoo artist. The Sak Yant is special not because of the design, but because of the commitment to the magic and values it represents.
2) Can Anyone get a Sak Yant Tattoo?
Yes, anyone can get a Sak Yant Tattoo. The Sak Yant Masters have no limitations on anyone from getting a Sak Yant – the only requirement is showing the correct respect to the Master during the process. This involves the Sak Yant ceremony of bowing in respect, making an offering, making a donation and committing to trying to lead a good and beneficial life.
3) Can I Get a Sak Yant Tattoo Near Me?
Sadly almost probably not. Sak Yant Masters are usually Monks or Ajarns that live and serve the local communities where they live in Thailand. On Occasion some will travel overseas, and there are a handful of westerners who have studied the Sak Yant and provide the service in a couple of locations around the world.
When a real Sak Yant Master travels to perform Sak Yant near you – whoever is sponsoring the event will usually promote it heavily. The westerners who have spent years in Thailand (usually becoming a Buddhist Monk as part of the process) will also make a major part of their advertising the fact they are authentic.
4) Can Any Tattoo Artist do a Sak Yant Tattoo?
No, Real and Authentic Sak Yants can only be given by Sak Yant Masters. The Sak Yant Master has spent years training in the magical arts that are involved with the Traditional Thai Tattoos. Usually a Monk at a small rural Temple that services their community, or a Sak Yant Ajarn.
A Sak Yant Ajarn is a little like a shaman in the west. They are someone who wants to commit their lives to the pursuit of spiritual and magical arts to help others. But also may want a family, or other aspects of life that are not possible as a Buddhist Monk.
5) What makes a Sak Yant Tattoo Special?
The Sak Yant Tattoo is a magical talisman, tattooed into the skin along with magic spells and then charged with a Blessing to activate it. The power comes from a combination of the chosen design, and the magic script written and the Blessing for the purpose of the Sak Yant.
Almost all designs are purposely made with errors and even the creators copyright written into the text in a Sak Yant design. It requires the skill of the Sak Yant Master who can read the magical script, and change the text for the individual, and then activate the tattoo with it’s power. It then requires the commitment of the person getting the Sak Yant Tattoo (through the ceremony) to make a pledge to honor and respect the whole process.
Each Sak Yant is created for the individual person to fulfill an intention or desire. Each Sak Yant Masters, will change the script, chant spells and give a blessing for a unique creation for their customers.
It is obvious to those who honor the Sak Yant Tradition that getting a replica design, with zero magic (just a copyright notice of the creator) from a tattoo artist with no blessing is as silly as drawing a crocodile on your t-shirt and trying to convince others your wearing a real designer Lacoste
6) What does the Sak Yant Tattoo Say?
The magic script on a Sak Yant Tattoo is call the Khata. The Khata is usually written in Pali language (a ancient form of Sanskrit), Khmur (Old Cambodian) or Lanna (Northern Thailand). The Script says whatever spell needs to be applied to the Sak Yant design to create the persons desired result. As each Sak Yant is created for the individual for a specific reason, each Sak Yant will say something slightly different.
Since only those trained in the ancient languages can actually read (and change) the script – it becomes difficult to know what it says unless you ask the Master who gave you the Sak Yant. For those using a design they obtained online – the script says nothing really, some actually say “this means nothing”, some include a spell for bad luck and others include the individual Masters copyright who created the design.
Want to Get a Real Sak Yant Tattoo?
Sak Yant Chiang Mai is Thailand’s leading Sak Yant provider – Over 10 Independent Sak Yant Masters working in Hygienic and comfortable Samnaks