Book a Sak Yant Tattoo with a Sak Yant Master

Sak Yant Tattoo - one of the coolest things you can do in Thailand

Welcome to the coolest adventure in Thailand, a Real Sak Yant Spiritual Experience with Magic Blessing. Booking a Traditional Thai Tattoo on the Days and Times that suit your availability and Save 1000 Baht off the Walk-in After Hours Price. 

How to Make a Sak Yant Tattoo Booking

How to Make a Sak Yant Booking:
1) Select your Sak Yant Type (In-House 1 or 2 Hours, Temple Visit or Fullback)
2) Select a free date and time  (Free days are White, Unavailable days are Grey & Red)
3) Fill in your details
4) Let us know how many are coming (different options for In-House vs Temple Visit)
5) Make the 1000 Baht Booking Deposit to secure your Time and Day. The Booking deposit goes towards the final price
6) After Payment you will be receive a Confirmation email; PLEASE read it

Please Note:
Book 24 hrs before for Tour bookings (We need to arrange the Monks Time)

1-2 People (or two small-medium tattoo designs) can do Morning Temple Visit together

3 people (or 3 small tattoo designs) need afternoon as additional time maybe required. (Additional costs for larger or more than 1 design)

In-House Sak Yant is one booking per small to medium size design (1 hour). Two people or larger design will require more than one booking.

Book a Sak Yant Tattoo Appointment Form

Booking deposit comes off the final price which is paid in cash at the shop

White = Available  Red = Fully Booked  Grey = Day unavailable.  Need 1 or 2 Hours? – Check the design book below for Tattooing time

N.B.   Room 2 Starts 1 Nov 2024 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

After Payment: Please Stay on the Page until the redirect to the Confirmation of your booking page shows up

Can’t make a Booking because we are Full?

We offer an after-hours service to walk-in customers, this incurs an additional 1000 baht cost per hour over standard prices, to cover additional staff salaries and compensate the Sak Yant Masters for their time. You will need to come to the shop in person to do this. Done on a first to come to the shop, first to get the limited appointments basis.
Still cheaper than a fake Sak Yant Bamboo Tattoo from a Tattoo Shop 🙂

Useful Help to Assist your Traditional Thai Tattoo Experience Booking

Here you can view our Sak Yant Designs and costs, which tells you how long the design will take (so you know how many Bookings to make) and how much it will cost using either our In-House or Temple Visit services.  Unless otherwise stated each design requires 1 hour.


Book a Sak Yant Tattoo

The Two Videos Below Explain how to make a booking and the differences in each type of Service if anything seems confusing.  The design book lets you know how many hours are needed for each design and the cost..  

Video explaining how to fill in the booking page

Watch the video that explains the different services OR Read the differences of In-House vs Temple Visit

Schedule of Sak Yant Masters

In-House Schedule

Room 1

Monday:  Ajarn Sam
Tuesday: Ajarn Beer
Wednesday: Ajarn Sam
Thursday: Ajarn Dang
Friday: Ajarn Tom
Saturday: Ajarn Sek

Room 2

Monday:  Ajarn Beer
Wednesday: Ajarn Tom
Friday: Ajarn Sek

Room 3

Monday:  Full Back
Tuesday: Full Back
Wednesday: Full Back
Thursday: Full Back
Friday: Full Back
Saturday: Full Back
Various Ajarns .. You can request if not already Working

Temple Monk Schedule

N.B.  Monks are not permitted to provide Sak Yant for females on Temple grounds.  If a female is included in the tour it will be an Ajarn who does the Tattoo and a Blessing provided by a Monk

Click here for Monk Profiles

Tours to Temple Monks at Their Temples

Ajarn Seang & Monk Blessing: Monday-Saturday (Females and Couples)
Aum Monk: Monday-Saturday (Males only)
Eak Monk: Mon,Tue,Thur,Fri,Sat (Males Only)
Sang Monk: When Available (Males Only)

Terms and Conditions

1) I have read the FAQ
2) I have read and understand the Booking deposit is not the full Price. I have read the Pricing of each Service
3) I understand this is a cash only Business for both the Service and Donations
4) I understand this service is provided in Chiang Mai
5)  I understand that if I want a larger than standard sized Sak Yant design
          i)  Requires booking an afternoon (rather than Morning Tour)   or  
          ii) Requires 2 In-house appointments back to back
7) I will arrive 10-15 minutes before my appointment, 10 minutes after appointment time my booking is cancelled
8) I understand and agree to the refund policy 2 Days notice is cancellation is required for full refund
9) I confirm I will read the information on my booking confirmation email to dispel any misconceptions I may have before coming for my appointment (speeds things up considerably)
10) If choosing the Full Back Sak Yant I will come into the shop the day before to select my designs.  Failure to do so may forfeit my appointment
11) Full Back requires an Ajarn for the day.  There are no refunds for not showing up or changing your mind.  The Ajarn receives your booking deposit for the day they put aside for you

Full Terms and Conditions here 

Problems Booking?  Email Us

Got Sak Yant Questions?

We have the Answer at our Sak Yant FAQ