Sak Yant Chiang Mai Terms and Conditions

About Sak Yant Chiang Mai's Terms and Conditions

When it comes to getting a Sak Yant Tattoo, it involves being in the presence of a Sak Yant Master; be it a Monk at a Temple or an Ajarn within our own premises.  There are strict Cultural and Traditional protocols and displays of respect that must be shown to these holy men.

This starts at our end, in requesting the time and skill of the Monks and arranging an invitation on our guests behalf to their Temples. And continues with ensuring that our guests display the traditional signs of respect when in the presence of the Sak Yant Master.  Sak Yant Chiang Mai upholds these traditions and protocols ensuring an Authentic Sak Yant Experience.  This is one of the fundamental reasons we have become the number one place to get a Sak Yant Tattoo in Thailand, something that most of our guests have researched online and understand.

In order to achieve this authentic experience, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes after you have made your booking.  We have to arrange the time of the Sak Yant Masters, who do not work for us, but along side of us. They need to ensure the Temple or Samnak space is available, create stencils of your chosen design etc, ahead of time.

Terms and Conditions

We ask that every customer reads our FAQ before coming for a Sak Yant Experience. 

We request this because there is alot of mis-information about Sak Yants online and some guests come with expectations based on misinformation or a complete lack of understanding of what a Sak Yant Tattoo is.

While part of our service is to explain in detail and educate you about Authentic Sak Yant’s, if we have to take 10-15 minutes of your time to do this – it cuts into the time you get to spend with the Sak Yant Master.

Because Sak Yant Chiang Mai offers personalized customization of your Sak Yant Tattoo Experience rather than a package deal like other providers. We are unable to quote you the exact and final price at the time of the booking.  In order for you to estimate very closely what that final price will be, we have detailed the different options in the Pricing Guide

Additional costs will be paid in cash at time of the Appointment
          i)  Tour Cost is 3000 Baht plus cost of tattoo design  (Extra people can go for 1500 baht if wanting a Sak Yant, those watching 500 baht) 
          ii) In-House is 2000 baht per hour, larger designs might require additional cost

At Sak Yant Chiang Mai we offer a variety of options for getting a Sak Yant Tattoo and Blessing. Both the Temple Monk Visit and the In-house options are 100% real and include the Magical Blessing. The only real difference is the romantic notion of visiting a Temple (and this is a powerful and worth while notion), The time it takes and the cost.

Temple Monk Visit

The Temple Tours are conducted twice a day at 9am and 1.30pm and we take a maximum of 2 people in the morning and 3 people in the afternoon each time. The tours take 3-4 hours where you visit the home location of the Monk or Ajarn and go to the Sumnak (Sak Yant room) usually in a building at the side of the Temple (not in the Temple itself).

Please note:
Females can not get a Sak Yant in Temple grounds. If you have a female getting a Sak Yant from a Monk Tour, it will be done at the Monks Samnak not at a Temple. We will visit a Temple time permitting

In-house Sak Yant

At our old city location we have created our own Samnak and have visiting Monks and Ajarns come to us. Our room has been blessed and has the additional benefit of air conditioning and soft seating (something Temples have no need for). It is the same powerful experience you will receive at a Temple of Ajarns Samnat.

I have understand the difference between an In-House Sak Yant and a Tour Service to a Monk or Temple.  I Booked the service I desire.

On occasion, we receive bookings from people located over 1000km away who did not take the time to check that the city of Chiang Mai is located in Northern Thailand.  Please ensure that you are aware that we are in Chiang Mai, and you need to find your own way to our location.  We need to prepare people before getting a Sak Yant and this is not possible if we pick you up at your hotel..

Because we offer over 250 different Sak Yant designs of various sizes, we can not be held responsible for someone thinking they can get a large design (or two designs) within an hour booking.  We ask that you confirm you understand that if you want a larger than standard sized Sak Yant design
          i)  Requires booking an afternoon (rather than Morning Tour)   or  
          ii) Requires 2 In-house appointments back to back

At Sak Yant Chiang Mai, we offer an Authentic Sak Yant Experience which requires the person receiving the Tattoo to follow the Cultural and traditional respect given to Monks and Sak Yant Masters.

While we appreciate that in your own culture often the ‘customer is always right’ this is not the situation in Thailand. Thailand has a class system, and Sak Yant Masters are considered to be within the top class.  Our number one priority is to protect the Monks and Ajarns from being disrespected or embarrassed, and will terminate the Sak Yant Experience if a guest refuses to follow protocols

Thailand has very high credit card processing fees and usually only larger companies accept international creditcards (charging more for the fees). We are a small business and only accept cash for the additional charges to complete the service.  Additionally you are making a cash donation to the Sak Yant Master for your Sak Yant, so we ask that you go to the ATM before turning up for your Sak Yant.

We understand that sometimes people will need to cancel their appointments for reason beyond their control.  We offer a Full refund if you give us 2 days notice of a cancellation.  Additionally if you provide shorter period of notice we will refund your booking deposit if another person books the newly available time slot.

We ask that you accept that we have either booked the time of a Temple Monk – or paid the Sak Yant Ajarn to come for the In-House service on your behalf.  If you do not turn up for your appointment or do not provide sufficient warning, we give your booking deposit to the Sak Yant Master as a show of respect for their Status.

In the case of a Full Back Sak Yant, No refunds are given if you are unable to endure the pain and quit early

Only very seldomly do we have a guest turn up, who has very little understanding of Sak Yant Etiquette, or a determination to place their desires and expectations over the traditions and culture of a Sak Yant Experience.   The bottomline is that we provide authentic Sak Yants with real Monks and Masters – the tradition of Sak Yant comes before the lack of preparation by a guest with a booking.  We make no apologizes for maintaining our standard of service for our guests and our Masters by refusing service to those we feel are not ready to receive a Traditional Thai Tattoo and Blessing

Your Part in Getting a Sak Yant Tattoo

Rung Monk Sak Yant in Chiang Mai

At Sak Yant Chiang Mai, we provide the opportunity to have a Sak Yant Experience as either tours to a Temple or In-house in hourly slots.  In order for you to receive the best experience we need to ensure that you are prepared and understand exactly what to expect.  If we need to spend 15-25 minutes explaining to a guest what we have requested they read as a condition of making a booking – it does not leave much time for the actual experience.

The reality is, we are usually fully booked ahead, days, weeks and sometimes months ahead of time by people very serious about getting an Authentic Sak Yant by a real Sak Yant Master.

So we ask that our guests actually take some time to get prepared for this experience and accept responsibility for not doing so, at their cost.


Create a Co-op of local Sak Yant Masters, both Monks and Ajarns and provide guides to explain, educate, translate and fairly share the Sak Yant donations to all members


Provide the same genuine Sak Yant Experience Thai’s have enjoyed for centuries to interested tourists and Non-Thais.
